Welcome to New Hope Chapel!
We are so glad that you chose to spend your Sunday morning with us!
Here at New Hope Chapel we love children and we encourage them to be part of our community. Our hope is that our children know that God made, loves, and desires a relationship with them. We want them to be active followers of Jesus.
We believe that parents are the main spiritual teachers in their children’s lives and our role at New Hope is to support them.
We have 3 main programs to help parents guide their children in becoming disciples:
Sunday School
Our Sunday School meets every Sunday at 10 AM from September to June. There are classes for every age. Each class has a main teacher that prepares an in depth, interactive Bible study for their students.
Family Worship
In Family Worship time (Sunday at 11 AM) children are invited to stay with their families and worship as part of our community. We believe the Lord delights in hearing the squeals of babies and chatter of children as we pray and sing as a family. During worship we regularly include songs that the kids learn in Children’s Church and once a month we have a special children’s message.
During the teaching time, older children stay in the service with their family and are encouraged take notes during the sermon. The speaker will always have a special focus for the children in the beginning so you know what to focus on during the teaching time and how to help them.
We also have a Nursery (ages 0-3), where our littlest ones can play in a safe, loving environment that is available during Family Worship.
Children’s Church
Children’s Church is provided for children ages 4-8 during the teaching time. In Children’s Church, kids learn from the Bible from a team of dedicated teachers and helpers.
Because we love our children, we want them to be safe. All of our teachers and helpers undergo a background and reference check and our programs have safety procedures in place.
Once again, we are happy you are here and are thankful you joined us!
The Children’s Ministry Team