New Hope Family Karate Club

The mission of the New Hope Family Karate Club is to provide spiritual training in the Christian Life in conjunction with physical training in the Okinawa Goju Ryu style of martial arts.

If you are looking to get in better physical, mental, emotional or spiritual shape come train with us Sunday evenings from 6:30-8 p.m.

There is no fee.

Learn the Basic Stances

We start with learning stances and how to ground ourselves for stability. We also learn how to ground ourselves emotionally and spiritually to build character.

Blocking, Striking and Breathing

Next we learn how to block any attack in order to defend ourselves. As we learn to block physical attacks we also learn to block emotional and spiritual attacks. While there are numerous blocks, kicks and strikes their power is rooted in how we breath. Breathing creates calmness and relaxation. The body performs better when relaxed.


Kata is simply a series of moves incorporating stances, blocking and striking. Within each kata there are a series of practical applications we learn once we have an understanding of how to perform the kata. The same is true in life in that we learn to discipline our mind and body we gain confidence, calmness and compassion for others.

Sensei Dr. Bill is teaching Goju Ryu Okinawan Karate to enhance strength, flexibility, and self-defense. Included in each session are the memorization of God’s word and reflection on God’s character.

Okinawan Goju Ryu

Everyone is welcome to train. We prefer to train as a family. Adults and children can both benefit from studying karate.

Children from the ages of 8 to 12 must be accompanied by a parent who is also training alongside their child. If a parent is unable to train they must still remain in the dojo during training.

There is no charge to study karate with us. There is a 15 minute Bible study at the end of each training which focuses on character development.

For more information about NHC’s Karate Club, please contact Sensei Bill Smith.